Due to TGA regulations we are unable to display details of medical aesthetics treatments. Please be assured that our treatments have not changed. To address your unique needs and conditions, we recommend booking a consultation with our experienced nurse. Through this consultation, we can show you before and afters of each treatment and design a personalised treatment plan tailored exclusively to your needs.
The listed concerns don’t match your needs, book a general consult to discuss your concerns and goals
fine lines + wrinkles
Aesthetic concerns may include forehead lines, frown lines, crows feet
smile concerns
Aesthetic concerns may include excessive gum show when smiling (gummy smile), inversion and thinning of upper lip when smiling (lip flip)
wide lower face
Wide lower face due to increased masseter muscle mass or hypertrophy of the masseter due to jaw clenching
Lip shape + volume
Aesthetic concern may include thin, dry, dehydrated or deflated appearing lips and perioral area.
Jawline shape + contour
Aesthetic concern may be bone recession due to ageing in the jawline causing increased jowling and sagging, appearance of a fuller and less defined lower face.
Excessive sweating
Aesthetic concern may include excessive sweating in the underarms, palms or feet
Seasonal hayfever
Cause for concern may include seasonal allergy symptoms such as itchy eyes, sneezing, runny nose, headaches and tiredness
Platysmal band pull
The platysmal bands run vertically from the bottom of the face to your collarbone. They may cause downward pull on the lower face exacerbating the appearance of jowls and sagging.
enlarged appearance of trapezius + calf muscles
Aesthetic concern may include the masculine appearance of enlarged trapezius or calf muscles.
Hollowness + sagging
As we age our facial fat rotates and drops leaving a gaunt and hollow appearance. Aesthetic concern may include hollowing through the rear of the face, cheeks and orbits of the eye.
Aesthetic concern may include feeling or appearing masculine/feminine due to natural facial features.
skin laxity
Due to ageing you are noticing evidence of collagen and elastin depletion in the skin
Hair loss may be due to stress, genetic factors, post partum or styling. Aesthetic concerns may include thinning, balding or patchiness.